Behind the ear (B.T.E)
For mild to profound hearing loss
Larger two-piece hearing aid
All components are contained in a case that is worn behind the ear
A hard moulded plastic case is worn behind the ear, and a custom-fit ear mould extends into the ear
May be barely visible depending on case colour and ear mould colour

Receiver (speaker) in the Canal (RIC)
Hot new technology that allows you the freedom of ultimate comfort.
For mild to moderately-
All components are contained in a case that is worn behind the ear
A hard-
Barely or not at all visible

Slim Tube or open fit
For mild to moderate hearing loss
All components are contained in a case that is worn behind the ear
A hard-moulded plastic case is worn behind the ear, and a clear, thin tube extends into the ear canal
Barely or not at all visible